miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

80 tips to make money online

To make money on the Internet requires mental preparation, discipline and in any work because no money is readily available as some would have you believe. Many make advertising into thinking that the undertaking is easy money online. But quite the opposite, so if you want to wish you well with your homework to earn money online, here are 80 tips that let who will make life a little easier if you want to make money with your blog or website.

Manage Your Website / Blog

1. Choose your topic: Choose a good topic is essential to a successful blog. This should be good for you and profitable in terms of publicity.

2. Keep interested in your blog: You have an interest or knowledge of the subject. Do not write about something we do not know.

3. Some topics are much more economical: It is worth bearing in mind that if you're getting a high number of clicks on ads, it is remarkable how quickly you can develop an interest in your niche profitable.

4. Finance: The subject should be related to a product that has a financial value. If your blog is about funny videos do not expect a high CTR. If you can get traffic for a blog on finance, insurance, mortgages, you can expect higher returns.

5. Motivation and interest can make a profitable topic: Any topic can make money provided you have enough traffic. Therefore, if you have the knowledge and interest in a subject, this may be one of the most profitable for you.

6. Write about products: Blogging about products is another way to generate high income. If you blog about philosophy, life in general, advertisers will not advertise products. If your blog is on some goods such as computers, cameras, etc.. There are a wide range of advertising programs you can use.

7. Get your own domain: Do not use free domains like. Blogspot.com and. Wordpress.com. This is bad, people and advertisers will take you less seriously. Be harder to get links. Regret it at some point, maybe not today, but you will.

8. Making bold decisions: If you currently have an address. Blogspot.com, change it now.

9. Choose a catchy domain: If possible, also with keywords. The ideal control should have two or three syllables, and remain memorable in the minds of people. Put related keywords will help you. However, it is not essential as many people claim. Choose carefully, there comes a time in which to change your domain is painful work. Blogs memorable titles as "Blog en Serio", "Punto Geek", "SEO Girl," "Blogmundi", "Web Strokes ...:)."

Choosing your blogging platform

10. Choose WordPress: It's that simple.

11. Plugins for any need: WordPress offers great flexibility, a variety of plugins, and choice of themes. This is being developed and improved continuously. It is also stable. You can customize as much or as little as you want. Many have made the transition from Blogger to WordPress.

12. My experience: This blog was moved from Blogger to WordPress. I'm sure other blogging software has its advantages, but after trying a few, WordPress is the most easy and effective to use.

The first steps

13. A good, solid design is essential: It is true that you can avoid spending too much time on ornaments and cosmetics. But your blog has to be professional.

14. Avoid common view, normal, ordinary: Do not use a standard theme that everyone has. CREATE a header at least original.

15. Content is King: Sorry for the cliché, but you should work on creating high quality content and interesting articles.

16. Be patient: Do not be discouraged if the traffic is low at first. Do not worry about your winnings, or the lack thereof in the first 6 months. It takes time to get good traffic.

17. Spread your words: Let people know you have a new blog. This can be done through emails and also commenting on other blogs.

Developing Links

18. Links: Increase inbound links is essential for PageRank and traffic. Ideally come from several sources, preferably web site or blog ranking.

19. Natural links: You have to have something worth linking. Forgive me if you've read this 100 times, but it is necessary to emphasize that the best blogs are the natural links, ie, people like what they see and link you with no need to ask.

20. Increase your RSS reader: This group of readers can not to click on your ads, but they are much more likely to be bloggers. RSS readers are those that most likely will start to bind. Again, be patient, the first 100 subscribers are the 100 most difficult to obtain.

21. Chain links: Joining chain links can help your blog receive several links from different sites which are linked to this chain.

22. Link Exchange: I really do not recommend participating in link exchange, I find that often bring more trouble than they're worth.

23. Directory Links: It's worth sending your blog to the best web directories like these and these.

How to increase your RSS subscribers

24. Guest Blogging: Writing articles for successful blog allows you to be well known to new readers. The traffic is very well focused, therefore, there is usually a high conversion rate of visitors.

25. Write articles on popular blog: Write to a popular blog gives you a better chance of being on the front page of Digg. If an item is popular, it may send traffic over a long period.

26. Promotes subscription: Make it easy for people subscribe to your blog and offers a reward.

27. Have a consistent frequency of publication: Once a day is a very good frequency of publication. But to increase your RSS readers is always better quality over quantity. Two great articles per week can get your blog noticed. Mediocre 10 items will be lost.

Writing Tips

28. Lists: Use the list to make the articles more accessible and easier to examine. Many of the most popular items of the network are "Top 10 ...", "10 things ...", "80 tips for ..." "The 100 things ...."

29. The writing must be clear and concise: Do not add unnecessary phrases.

30. Good grammar and spelling are important: Even if small currents errors these will be picked up by someone. Worth avoiding some of the most common and obvious mistakes.

31. Be confident and be persuasive: Do not sit on the fence to wait, try to make your article provokes opinions and original.

32. Focus Article: Do not try to cover several issues at once. It is better to split the article into several sections.

33. Articles column: Take time to write articles that are of very high quality. Some people refer to them as "news" column. These items are an opportunity to showcase your blog has to offer.


34. The best items should be visible: Make sure your best items are not hidden. A new visitor must be able to find them easily.

35. Keep it simple: Do not offer many choices - this may confuse readers. Make it clear where you'd like them to be.

36. Have a memorable logo and design.

37. Slogan: Do not underestimate the importance of a good slogan. This helps people tell you immediately that the blog is.

38. Images: Use images from time to time. The images create a strong visual impact and encourage people to stay longer in your blog.


39. Do not exaggerate: Especially at first, do not overload your blog with ads. Having many AdSense makes you look like spam.

40. Less is more: Reducing the number of AdSense not necessarily reduce your income.

41. Ad Position: The position of the ads is everything. The clickthrough rate varies tremendously depending on where you put the ads. Look at people who are known to earn a lot with AdSense and see where they put their ads, then try to adapt it to your blog. However, I must say that this is according to the design of each blog, so for a blog can work very well, so one does not.

42. Sell links, sell links directly or through third parties such as LinkLift, is used to provide a good path for monetizing your blog. (Especially if your blog is about Blogging or SEO). This has changed with the discouragement of Google about selling links. Some people are still selling links, but if you need to be prepared for some kind of penalty by Google. This has created a degree of uncertainty with this method of revenue collection.

43. Text links should be relevant: If you sell links, do not sell your soul. Ensure that links are worth having. Games do not have links to a blog about SEO. This point is very important, given Google's recent war against the sale of bonds. If the links are closely related to your text, you should be able to escape detection. But they'll expose you inappropriate links.

44. Experiment: Experiment with different types of advertising. I have found that the most effective advertising depends on the blog.

45. Page ad: Provides an advertising page, where you can offer people the chance to advertise.

46. Affiliates: Finding a good affiliate system is one of the most important things to maximize the monetary potential of your blog. This becomes easier when your blog develops more traffic.

47. Paid Reviews: Review Zync and I may be a good source of income but do not let this take over your blog, because it may discourage readers. It's probably best to wait until you can sell at high prices and not only with the minimum of $ 20.

48. Text Links Ads is another good affiliate system that can deliver good returns for their use.

49. LinkLift: This is another good affiliate system, perhaps with more links is Spanish client that Text Links Ads.

50. Google AdSense: AdSense can deliver good profits and is easy to implement, especially for bloggers. However, there is life beyond AdSense. Try not to be dependent on a single advertising system.

51. Google Referrals: If you are able to pick the right ads, referrals from Google can bring more profit than regular AdSense ads. The system is still developing and is likely to improve over time.

Increase traffic

52. Develop linkages is essential to obtain higher positions in search engines.

53. The titles you choose for your articles are very important. You need to pick keywords that people are looking for. At the same time, you should choose keywords that do not have much competition from other sites. It is best to choose titles with 3 or 4 keywords in it.

54. Your stats show you your most effective keywords. Try variations of these keywords to benefit from related searches. If people come to your blog with "Supermarket" intends "Supermarkets in Bogota."

55. Do not just rely on search engines, put emphasis on RSS readers, this allows the traffic, even if search engines change their algorithms.

56. Post often: One way to make money online is to go for quantity. This does not necessarily mean that the quality has to suffer, but you should try to write most relatively quickly. Some items may take 10 to 20 minutes to write. Not all items need to be a lot of text.

57. Lee 100 ways to get more traffic to your blog.


58. Write interesting titles: To ensure that people read the article.

59. The first sentence is very important: need to attract people within the article.

60. Do not exaggerate with headlines such Linkbait: Do not forget also your average reader.


61. The Linkbait has an undeserved bad reputation. The Linkbait is about creating great content that people want to read and link.

62. Linkbait good would an article of the top 100 ...

63. A list of the top 100 bloggers is a good Linkbait.

64. Try something original that has not been done before.

65. A Linkbait needs to be promoted, not just writing.

66. Send an email to key bloggers who might be interested. Note: This may help if they see a benefit in the linkbait. The list of top 100 bloggers work well because they are happy to be listed among the top 100.

67. Ask your friends to vote for us on Digg, Autobombéame, etc. ..

Social Media

68. You can choose to send an article to Digg, but you get to the front of it is very difficult, especially for new bloggers.

69. You can spend hours trying to create a good score on Digg. But it's probably better that you focus on your site, on your own blog.

70. Encourage people to vote for your articles by offering something in return.

71. This is great for sending traffic. However, it does not help to vote for your item more than once.

72. Traffic is not all: Social media can send large amount of traffic, but rarely are these visits to your blog or subscribe.


73. The comments might be a way to gain profile for you and your blog. The key is to comment on the popular blog in your niche.

74. Comments may also go against you. Be careful when criticizing others or to be spam.

75. Advise you to leave the actual name in your comments. Simple but effective.

76. Try to say something more than just "good article".

77. If you mean many things, why not do an article about it and link the article from a comment.

78. Keep the comments in perspective, this can help win a few readers and some traffic.

79. Commentators thank him and encourage them to return to visit.

Being Professional

80. You have a good contact form and a good page for 'About'.

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