miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Globedia: Free advertising on a page with many visits

Often spoke of how important it can be writing articles on other websites or blogs of others. This will usually offer the possibility of putting links to your blog and so we can get visits from other blogs that readers could become yours.

Of what I want to talk in this post is a method I discovered the other day and on which I am researching and experimenting. This is Globedia.

We can say that would be a variant of writing articles for other blog except in this case, apart from the benefits that this practice usually, this method allows us to add our own advertising article to write.

What is globedia?
This is a news portal style which could be meneame where the readers are the authors of them. Each day will get a lot of news by filling out the blog which is gaining enough on content.

This news may be voted and what are the most appear on the cover with the increase of visits that entails.

What differentiates from other systems Globedia news?
Until now will think that this is a rough copy meneame system as not have noticed the difference so far.

The feature that sets it apart, and that has made me draw the attention even going to publish a Notice to study what effect is that you can put your own advertising. No advertising is added and they share some of the benefits you as do other methods. This way you can always comment deceiving because they do not know exactly if you really are paying the stipulated sum or falling much more as you have no way to verify the impressions or click made on advertising.

In this case does not happen, because you can add Globedia publicity you want.

The advantage this offers is that they will put your advertising on a page that is updated daily with lots of news that makes some importance to pick a search engine that constantly visit to see if they have new content. This makes the items very well positioned in search engines (as I show later) that will likely to have many visitors. In all these visits, what is showing is your advertising.

To give you an idea of where is the page where the ad will show you the data you have today is this site:

Data globedia

You can see he has very good values of Alexa (indicating that receives thousands of hits a day), pagerank and search engine links.

This can be demonstrated that the items shown to be well positioned, so we can give a good advantage to get our ad impressions and click opportunities.

How advertising is added to Globedia?
To add advertising presents you with several options which can be placed. I displays the following charts:

Globedia advertising formats

You see, the blue is where you add advertising on the page that displays your article. Depending on the design you choose will be placed in a position or another. You can see that you have a specific size (must be 90 and 728 × 300 × 250), and this is the only restriction you will. From there you will have a box in your control panel where you can insert the ad code you want. You can add a block of size you indicate your Adsense code, or some Tradedoubler ad campaign, a banner sedo, ie what you want.

Not have to share advertising revenue generated by that page with the owners of Globedia but when your Adsense code or method that is, profits are 100% integrated for you.

Moreover, in the case of Adsense (actually in almost any case) has many advantages as you can keep track of how they total earnings, impressions, etc. Through Adsense channels see statistics like yours blog on which they were made.

What you need to publish news in Globedia?
All you need is to create an account on your page. Once since it (do not have to wait until it is accepted or anything) you will have access to the control panel from which you can insert your data, set up advertising, write and manage your news, and more.

From the menu you to the option of writing news and you just have to write it by filling out the fields that make you (the typical title, tags, content, etc ...). Once written it does have to be validated.

As I wrote a story from personal experience just to sign up method. You can write whatever, are not necessarily news, but you can write only what you want.

You can see the story I wrote for testing and everything worked on the following link: Today it is possible to make money from home.

When I wrote the story, passed to pending state review. It took a couple of hours to send me an email that said my story had been published.

If you enter the same you could see several things. On the one hand, on a day that brings online, has received 102 visits (it may have changed that number when you read this.) It is possible that many blog posts do not reach and the number of visits in one day, taking into account that you have written many more and may not cover state or by the number of votes.

You can also see the publication of which I speak. Adsense will see two blocks of text, one on top of size 728 × 90 and at the end of the article 468 × 60. You can see that I belong showing the source of the page and seeing the Adsense code coincides with whom I have placed on my blog.

Also I will tell you that one day I have obtained impressions of the ads and have made profits which the I can check from my Adsense account. Do not get caught because it is against Adsense policy.

As I commented before, thanks to the refresh rate with this type of site, are frequently visited by Google (a part of a system using ping) and your item will be in the form a few moments. You can see a screenshot of how approximately one hour after posting my article, this was already in google putting part of the title in the search box:

My article in Google searches

In addition, you will have a link to your user Globedia where you put the address of your blog. The downside is that the link is nofollow, but hey, you can always win if someone visits has been of interest your story and want to keep reading articles written by you.

I must say that for now has no affiliate system so I am writing this is not for you apunteis the method and so I make money with it, since there is no such possibility, nor is any kind of review paid. It is simply a test method that started yesterday and I can say that I'm getting good results with just a story I wrote. So I wanted comentaróslo case you did not know her that podais use or at least investigate.

I'll write the statistics of news (call them that) to be published for you can be watching for profitable exits. If you are interested and want to keep abreast of the news, I recommend you notes to the blog feed through your feed reader or via your email.

Also welcome to add a positive vote up article for that position Globedia page.

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